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Soroti Orphan Assistance Project


The Soroti Orphan Assistance Project (SOAP) is a ministry out of the Independent Baptist Church (IBC), located in the town of Soroti in northcentral Uganda.  The orphanage was started in response to the vast number of orphans in the region as a result of rebel activity and political unrest. It became apparent that it was necessary to meet both the spiritual and physical needs in order to make the right impact in the area for the Gospel. 

The first orphans arrived in March 2004. The plan was, and still is today, to house, nurture, educate, and train these children to be a testimony to their fellow Ugandans for the Lord Jesus Christ. 

All the ministries of Soroti Orphan Assistance Project including the Independent Baptist School, and various other local village ministries are under the authority and direction of the Independent Baptist Church, Soroti.  

Currently, SOAP cares for forty-five orphans ages 6 through 17 and all attend the primary school at Independent Baptist School located on the SOAP property. The project accepts five to eight new orphans every year at the first grade level (P1) via a detailed and systematic application process. The children are housed in clean, well-built dormitories. They receive an excellent education in a licensed school by qualified teachers. The children are taught Scriptures on a daily basis in church services at Independent Baptist Church, in evening devotionals, and in weekly chapel in school. 

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The orphans are supported by SOAP until they reach high school (S4), and after this, by individual missionaries or private donors from the United States for their college or vocational training. The staff desires to give them an exceptional opportunity at life contrasted to living in the poverty-stricken villages from where they came. Whether they become preachers, teachers, businessmen, or farmers, our prayer is for these children to set the example as the next generation of Ugandan Christians in their daily lives in sharing the Gospel. In doing so we pray they can genuinely make a difference for the Lord Jesus Christ in Uganda, East Africa.


The Vision of SOAP: 

“Raising and Equipping the next generation for Christ.”

SOAP was organized for the purpose of providing a “living tool” to evangelize Uganda through church planting. As one of Uganda’s greatest and most overlooked living resources–orphans–are transformed into servants of God, becoming effective ministers to their own people reaching the unreached masses in Uganda and beyond with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our vision at SOAP is to ensure every child has a safe, nurturing place to live, and a chance to achieve their potential through education. But we recognize that obtaining an education without a relationship with Jesus Christ would be a sad and unfruitful life. At SOAP we wish to love, nurture, challenge the children to be shining lights to point people to the Lord Jesus Christ. 

James 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. 

Independent Baptist School

Visitation Ministry

Medical Ministry

For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (KJV)

Romans 10:13 

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