New for 2024
Missionary Story Book
Tears of Terror, Tears of Joy
A True Story from Uganda
Coil bound flip book
11"x 17" * 58 pages
Price: $20 + postage (for orders of 5 or more please call to place order) (423) 344-5050
It is divided into five parts so that it can easily be used in 5-day Bible Clubs, VBS, or a Missions Conference setting.
The purchase of a book will include a downloadable digital version designed for large screens.

About the Author
​When Debbie Guimon experienced the events of Tears of Terror, Tears of Joy, she felt she had a front row seat watching the incredible working of God in real life and was inspired to share this modern day missions story as it actually happened.
God very clearly directed Debbie and her now late husband, Dr. Kyle Guimon, to Uganda in early 1999 and then led them to the town of Soroti. After a few years of the Guimons establishing churches and prayerfully making plans about how to best start caring for the many orphans in the area, God used the events of Tears of Terror, Tears of Joy to launch the Soroti Orphan Assistance Project.
Debbie is passionate about teaching phonics in the local language (Ateso) to Ugandans who have never learned to read. The joy she sees on their faces as they start to read God’s Word for themselves and eventually receive their own Bibles fuels her zeal to continue.

About the Illustrator
Isaac Okwir grew up in northern Uganda where his family was impacted by Joseph Kony’s Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) when his brother and cousin were abducted by the rebels. God used Isaac to help many rescued children as they escaped from the LRA, and he was instrumental in their successful transition back to “normal” life again through his art.
Isaac has illustrated several children’s books from funtime to educational stories that are being used widely. He is a champion for underprivileged artists in Uganda.